How to decorate a Christmas Tree with ribbon in 11 easy steps

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Want to know how to decorate a Christmas Tree with ribbon? I’ve been styling my Christmas Trees with Ribbon for the past 4 years. Here’s what I’ve learned about decorating a Christmas Tree with Ribbon!

How to decorate a Christmas Tree
How to decorate a Christmas Tree: It’s easier than you think to get a beautiful tree like this, full of ribbon. Read on to see 11 steps to decorate a Christmas tree with ribbon!

You may have seen ribbon more and more on Christmas trees in the past few years. I have been putting ribbon on my Christmas Tree for the last four years and I think I finally have it down.

My gal pals even got me to come over to their houses this year to do their trees.  😄 So you may be wondering: how do you decorate a Christmas Tree with ribbon? These 11 steps to decorate your tree with Ribbon will have your Christmas Tree looking perfect in no time!

Types of Christmas Trees

When choosing your tree, you have a couple of options. Real trees, like Douglas or Noble firs, offer that classic pine scent. They require watering and maintenance to stay fresh throughout the season. Artificial trees, on the other hand, are reusable and come in a variety of styles, like pre-lit or flocked, making setup easier.

How to decorate a Christmas Tree with ribbon – The Easy 11 Steps

How to decorate a Christmas Tree - start with the correct tree

1: Pick your Christmas tree!

If you don’t already have one, we got ours at “At Home” and it was a great deal! I have also seen really pretty trees from King of Christmas.

wire ribbon to put on Christmas tree

2. Order or buy your ribbon.

Depending on the size of your Christmas tree you will need a different amount of ribbon. The best ribbon to use is a 4-inch wire-edged ribbon and typically that ribbon comes in 10-yard rolls.  I used 70 yards of ribbon (6 rolls, one double roll) on our 12 foot Christmas tree. I ordered my ribbon from Shop Hello Holidays and the Christmas Ribbon Shop on Etsy. You can also pick up ribbon at your local craft store if that is easier!

Consider selecting ribbons with different textures to add depth to your tree design. Velvet ribbons provide a rich, luxurious feel, while burlap adds a rustic charm. Satin ribbons are perfect for a more refined touch, reflecting lights beautifully.

ball ornament

3. Buy your ornaments.

Our ornaments are a mix of sentimental and decorative. Most of the sentimental ones have been gifted to us or our kids. The decorative Ornaments came from Amazon, At Home, Target, West Elm and Hobby Lobby. I went with a neutral color theme that matches our house, but do whatever you love!

Eco-Friendly Ornament Options

Opt for eco-friendly ornaments to make your tree both beautiful and sustainable. Look for decorations made from recycled materials or natural wood. These options not only reduce environmental impact but often have a charming handmade appeal.

spray christmas tree

4. Buy decorative sprays, twigs and branches

Buy decorative sprays, twigs and branches for the top of the tree unless you have a sentimental tree topper! These can be found at Hobby Lobby or At Home.

Ensure any sprays or twigs you purchase are labeled as fire-resistant. Secure them firmly to branches, avoiding heavy items that could fall. This keeps your tree safe and looking great.

several scissors 1319460

5. The SECRET: Cut the ribbon into 1 to 2-foot pieces.

This makes it easier to weave through the tree.

ladder for christmas tree

6. Now it is time to set up the Christmas tree.

Now it is time to set up the Christmas tree. If you have a really tall tree (or a really short ladder haha) keep the top portion off to decorate it before you put it on the top. Also, if your tree is not pre-lit, you will want to wrap your lights at this point.

We used the Little Giant Ladder to get to the top of our Christmas Tree.

chistmas tree top design ideas

7. Decorate the top of the tree first.

I choose to use sprays, twigs, and branches for a very dramatic look. Start at the top and push each individual spray into the tree working your way from the top of the tree down about 6 to 12 inches depending on your tree or the number of sprays you have.

christmas tree ribbon design

8. Now it’s time to put up the ribbon pieces!

Since you have already cut the pieces, you just start at the top and weave the pieces back and forth through the tree. You can wrap the ends around a branch on both ends of the ribbon. Make sure to alternate the colors so everything is even throughout the tree.

For smaller trees, use shorter pieces of ribbon to maintain proportion and avoid overwhelming the tree. On larger trees, longer ribbons can create a cascading effect. Adjust the placement to achieve a balanced and cohesive look.

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9. After the ribbon is up you can put on the ornaments and any extra sprays that you have.

how to decorate a christmas tree with ribbon

10. Stand back…

…and see if there are any bare spots where you can move things around a little bit to cover.

Christmas tree with lots of ribbon

11. Put the skirt on the tree

Put the skirt on the tree and plug it in! Admire your handiwork!

How to decorate a Christmas Tree With Ribbon: Video Instructions

More ways to celebrate Christmas in your home

I was a little early this year putting up my Christmas Tree, however another great tradition you can use to get the Holiday spirit going in your home by creating a December 1st Box Tradition. Read all about how to create a December 1st Box and even “What is a Dec 1 Box?

Decorating Your Christmas Tree with Ribbon: Final Thoughts

I have loved using ribbon to decorate my Christmas tree because I really think it adds a fullness to the tree that is hard to achieve with only ornaments. Hopefully, this little tutorial will help you decorate your tree this year if you want to try this out!

After I learned how to decorate a Christmas Tree with Ribbon, I couldn’t wait to put up my tree. This year, our tree – not kidding – went up the day after Halloween.

Make sure to spend lots of time admiring your beautiful tree and if you really love it, just leave it up until Valentine’s day! Can we please make that a thing? 🙂

Make your home smell amazing, too.

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