Moon Pod Review: A bean bag on steroids… or a bag o’ beans?

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Our 100% honest moonpod review.

Moon Pod Review: The Moon Pod is a bean bag on steroids. It claims to offer unparalleled support and adaptive flexibility.

Updated August 2024: Added more about the Moon Pod Lunar Lift and Moon Pod 4D Pillow and how it holds up.

They claim the MoonPod can help relieve back and neck pain while you rest. Is this true? We put it to the ultimate test. In general, we found this to be a great bean bag alternative and used it quite a bit as we were remodeling our house. The kids love to use it around the house and Mr. We Tried It loves to use it to meditate.

We’ll explain who this elevated seat focused on ergonomic support is for, who it’s not for, and what we learned in the process.

More than a bean bag alternative
Moon Pod
  • Super Lightweight
  • Comfortable
  • Machine Washable
  • Easy to move
  • More comfortable than a bean bag
  • Easy to use in many different positions
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Moon Pod Review – The Bean Bag Chair Reimagined?!

moon pod banner 2
Not just a bean bag or a bean bag chair.

The Pod is different than the Bag Chair of my youth. No more sticky vinyl surfaces and lumpy spots. No more dutch tape covering up the holes. No more odd shape that only stays upright for a few minutes.

If it’s not a bean bag, what is it?

love sac
A similar product: the Love Sac.

The MoonPod is cross between the LoveSac giant bean bags and the old school bean bags. It’s more the shape of a bean (instead of being filled with beans), but it’s not obnoxiously large like the LoveSac.

The ol’ Pod started on Kickstarter, and they hit their goal in no time.

Why is the Moon Pod Different?

Moon Pod Review: not actually filled with anti-gravity.

The Moonpod is different because it is filled with responsive high-density beads. Moon Pod mimics the sensations of Flotation Therapy, which has been known to help reduce stress and anxiety levels.

The dual shell membrane provides a soft and stretchy, yet supportive structure engineered to respond to any body shape and movement.

Moon says, “through unparalleled support and adaptive flexibility, the Pod can help relieve back and neck pain while you rest.”

It’s also lightweight.

The Pod Weighs only 12 pounds, which makes it super easy to move from room to room with ease.

What are Moon Pods filled with? As Moon Pod’s website says, “high-friction custom beads.”

They are like really small little beans. Think super fluffy Styrofoam that rubs against each other. Moon Pod Claims these make this not only the best bean bag chair bur the best space age chair, ever.

How do we use the Moon Pod?

To be honest, we were incredibly surprised at how we ended up using the moonpod. We thought it would stay in Mr. We Tried It’s home office to take a break, do some meditation (or even some Wim Hof Method Breathing) and that’s about it.

But it turned into so much more. Something we use multiple times a day.

The #1 User: Mr. Winnie (our Dog)

mr winnie moon pod
Great for pets? You bet! Our Dog’s Moon Pod Review? Two paws up!

Mr. Winnie is our dog and he’s pretty lazy.

That’s why he loves the Moon Pod. If there isn’t a person sitting on laying on the Moon Pod, there’s a good chance Mr. Winnie will be on it.

Last Christmas, we even bought him a fancy dog bed for the home office and he refuses the sit on it. Instead, he waits until the coast is clear and plops himself down on the MoonPod.

moon pod review dog

The #2 Use: Easily Moveable Chair

kids moon pod review

When we first got the MoonPod, we were in the middle of some home renovation projects. We sold some of our furniture in the house and were left with some empty rooms.

No furniture? No problem with the Moon Pod!

kids moon pod review use
Not just for playing video games – it’s a great portable chair.

We moved this lightweight pod around from room to room where we needed a place to relax or just a better place for watching TV or watch movies.

Even better? Pair it with a Gravity Blanket (read our Gravity Blanket Review to learn all about the O.G. weighted blanket) for ultimate relaxation. The Moon Pod is very easy to move around because it is extremely light.

The #3 Use: What we actually thought we’d use it for

moon pod beanbag
The Moon Pod in the office, pre office furniture.

We got the Moon Pod as a piece for the home office and for Mr. We Tried It to use. But that’s where we use the Moon Pod the least. He has a standing desk (see our Fully Jarvis Review) and rarely has time to sit and use it.

However, it’s nice when he just wants to take a break from conference calls or just relax for a second. Plus, it looks a lot better than old-school bean bag chairs.

Moon Pods Claims: We Test the Claims

Moon Pod makes some big claims in their marketing. Let’s test them quickly.

“Zero Gravity Feel”

To be honest, we didn’t feel like it was 100% zero gravity or like a magical anti anxiety float chair.

However, that doesn’t mean it was uncomfortable by any stretch of the imagination. The Moon Pod Feel is more of a refined bean bag. The Moon Pod Feels like you are supported but not antigravity.

I actually don’t know what anti-gravity feels like (I imagine it’s all about having a weightless feeling). But I imagine that it feels nothing like traditional bean bags.

Easy to clean

moon pod cleaning
The removable cover makes it easy to clean.

Especially with the dog using the Moon Pod a majority of the time – the Moon Pod can get dirty very easily. It also gets dirty just because it’s on the floor a lot.

The good news is that it comes with a washable cover. Just machine wash in cold water and tumble dry low (or even better don’t use low heat – just hang dry).

It also helps to just use a lint roller on the Moon Pod to spot clean.

Supports itself

moon pod sit
moon pods reviews will all highlight how it supports itself, which is great!

This is one area where the Moon Pod appears to be magic, but really isn’t.

To be honest, when we want to use the Moon pod in a sitting position, we put it against a wall. This is what we found to offer much more support.

If you re-fluff the Pod and sit on it just right, you can use the Pod to sit upright, but it won’t last forever. To avoid having to re-fluff it every time we sit in it, we simply put it against the wall if we want it upright.

The must-have accessory, that shouldn’t be optional: Lunar Lift

lunar lift

To be honest, I really like the Moon Pod BEFORE we got the Lunar Lift. But after I got the Lunar Lift, I LOVED the moon pod.

The Lunar Lift

A must-have accessory!
Moon Pod Lunar Lift

While it's an add-on, this lunar lift is a must-have, in our opinion. It completes the Moon Pod experience.

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We recently got this awesome accessory and we have to say: this should NOT be optional. Every Moon Pod should come standard with the Lunar Lift. Why?

It completes the overall Moon Pod Experience. I really liked the Moon Pod before using this, however, it is a game-changer for the “zero gravity” experience. Trust us. It’s worth the added price.

One cool thing about it: it’s designed to align perfectly with the bottom of the Moon Pod, so it’s much easier to use than a pillow or something similar.

Bonus: my dog also likes it, because he can sleep on JUST the Lunar Lift and not take up the whole Moon Pod! Ha ha!

Another, must-have accessory: 4D Pillow

As you’ll see below, Moon Pod also makes the Crescent – a hybrid arm/head rest that is rather large. I had no desire to check out the Crescent, it just looked look big.

I recently had the chance to test out the brand new 4D Pillow from Moon Pod. It’s filled with the same Microbeads as the other Moon Pd products but it’s a compact pillow.

Another must-have accessory
Moon Pod 4D Pillow

Skip the large "Crescent" and get this simple, packable pillow. Made from the same material as the Moon Pod, we love the new 4D Pillow.

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Don’t make the same mistake I did: this pillow is designed for use on the Moon Pod or in portable situations, like travel.

Other Moon Pod Products

Moon Pod just doesn’t make the original Moon Pod. They also make some great accessories and other products.

Super Moon Pod

super moon pod
The Super version is basically two moon pods inside one removable cover.

The Super Moon Pod is twice the size of a regular moon pod.

Customers must assemble this product since it’s too big for traditional carriers to carry as finished article, but are rewarded with an ultra-supportive and stretchy cover that can cushion two pods inside!

Simply unzip the outer sleeve and put the two inner pods inside. Zip back up and relax.

It’s that easy!

A great Accessory: The Crescent

moon pod crescent
A great addition to the moon pod beanbag – this makes it a bit more like flotation therapy.

As Moon Pod calls the Crescent, it’s the Moon Pod’s best friend. It’s the moon pod pillow.

The Crescent is essentially a airplane neck pillow and arm rest designed to sit at the top of the Moon Pod.

This would certainly help the Moon Pod to sit upright in easier. However, we don’t have the Crescent because we like the simplicity of having just the Moon Pod itself and not having to worry about bringing different accessories along with it.

Replacement Covers

Let’s say you want to change the look of your Pod – they also sell new covers that are uniquely engineered to fit the Moon Pod perfectly. The colors are pretty subdued, ranging from moon indigo to cosmic ash (notice the space theme?)

Even a washable outdoor cover

moon pod outdoor cover
Moon pod chair: also works outside!

They even have an outdoor cover if you want to use this outside. Our only complaint is that is a bit expensive: $99. I’m not sure I’d feel confident with it outside, but that’s ok.

If you want the best outdoor furniture, check out our Outer Review.

Moon Pod Review: Let’s talk price

moon pod table

We’re not going to lie. A $299 bean bag is a pretty penny by any standards, especially for a product you’re going to use to play video games, watch TV or read a book on. We get it.

However, the Moon Pod is much cheaper than a comparable LoveSac – and a lot more portable.

We even preferred the “high-friction custom beads” that were inside the Pod over the LoveSav.

LoveSac vs. Moon Pod

moon pod vs love sac

We used to have a large LoveSac, so we know what we’re talking about. We got rid of it because it was simply too large. Also, it just sounded a bit dirty to explain that a LoveSac wasn’t as bad as it sounded.

The internal foam inside the LoveSac was a bit softer, but made the Sac (that just sounds gross) more lumpy and needed to re-fluff it frequently. It was also heavier and harder to move around.

All things considered, I’d take a Moon Pod – a just an original size Moon Pod over the LoveSac any day.

Moon Pod Negative Reviews: What’s the Deal?

Moon Pod has received a mix of reviews, with a significant number of negative comments from customers. Here are some of the main criticisms and concerns raised by users:

  • Product Quality and Comfort: Many users have expressed dissatisfaction with the comfort and quality of the Moon Pod. Some describe it as becoming “flaccid” after use, requiring additional fill to maintain its shape and comfort. Others have mentioned that the product does not support the body as advertised and tends to flatten out, making it uncomfortable for prolonged use.
  • Size Issues: There are complaints about the size of the Moon Pod, with some users finding it too small for adults, despite the promotional images suggesting otherwise.
  • Customer Service and Return Policy: A significant number of negative reviews focus on the company’s customer service and strict return policy. Customers have reported difficulties in returning the product, encountering restocking fees, and facing challenges with customer support. The return policy is described as restrictive, with some users feeling misled by the company’s practices.
  • Misleading Marketing: Some customers feel that the marketing of Moon Pod is misleading, with the product not living up to the expectations set by advertisements. There are also accusations of the company deleting or hiding negative reviews to maintain a positive image.
  • Price Concerns: The high price of the Moon Pod is another common complaint. Many users do not feel that the product justifies its cost, especially given the issues with quality and durability.

These reviews suggest that while some customers may have had positive experiences, there is a notable portion of the customer base that has encountered significant issues with the product and the company’s service.

However, we haven’t faced this at all.

Moon Pod: Our Final Verdict

We were surprised at how much use we got out of the Moon Pod, honestly. At first the moon pod price was a giant concern. But we use this handy little chair so often that the moon pod price is easily worth it, at least for us!

A Top Pick
Moon Pod
  • Super Lightweight
  • Comfortable
  • Machine Washable
  • Easy to move
  • More comfortable than a bean bag
  • Easy to use in many different positions
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We were skeptical about the Moon Pod at first, but after using it for a few weeks in many different rooms of our home we are convinced that this is one of those rare products that you can’t live without. It’s not cheap – $299 to be exact – but if you need something to use as temporary furniture while your remodeling project takes place (or even permanent furniture after it’s all said and done), this might just do the trick.

Just don’t expect any miracles from the Moon Pod. It’s not an anti-gravity device and won’t make you feel like you are in a relaxation pool. It will, however, give you a comfortable place to rest your keister for hours on end.

The best part? You’ll save 25% on your order by clicking through from our site!

Where to buy Moon Pod?

walmart moon pod
moonpod cost? You can find a cheaper than price at walmart.

Although it appears you can buy Moon Pod at Walmart, I wouldn’t recommend it.

I haven’t been able to find moon pod in stores, or the zero gravity bean bag amazon available, either.

As you’ve seen from our full moonpod review, this product when used correctly is worth the moon pod’s price tag.

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