Harry’s Promo Code

We Tried It
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Harry’s Promo Code: Looking for a sweet deal on Harry’s? We’ve got an exclusive promo code you can use to get $5 off your next order. $5 may not seem like a lot, but everything is already an incredible deal already. Be sure to read our full Harry’s Review.


A couple of highlights we love (and don’t love) about Harry’s:

  • It’s not Dollar Shave Club cheap, but Harry’s is the best value, especially compared to Dollar Shave Club
  • They have great razors at a cheaper price than the big-name brands like Gillette. 
  • Mr. We Tried it loves both Harry’s shave gel and Harry’s face wash. 
  • Mr. We Tried didn’t care for the after-shave products.
  • Harry’s customer service is also great! We had one small issue and it was fixed.

Overall, we love Harry’s! We think you will, too. Get $5 off your next order.

When you get $5 off Harry’s, we get $5 off our next order, too. We wouldn’t recommend it if we didn’t love it. Just see some of our other reviews (products we didn’t like: ZipSeam Review, Quip Toothbrush and products we love: Mizzen Main Review, Tovala Review).

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