Marine Layer Review – Will you be surprised by the softness?

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Marine Layer Review: Let’s be honest. We hate the term lifestyle brand. But if ever there was a brand that was a lifestyle brand: it’d be Marine Layer. Keep reading our Marine Layer Review to see why.

Conjure up the image of a slightly cool but comfortable sunny afternoon in California and you have Marine Layer in a feeling. They are the perfect clothes for the slight nip in the air or and evening outside.

marine layer hoodie review
The Marine Layer Signature Hoodie

Their clothes are subtle, well made and most of all – incredibly soft. Like freaky soft. Some further investigation reveals this is 100% by design.

They’ve created over 25 custom fabrics in the quest to find the softest clothes on earth

marine layer shirts

MicroModal, is their signature fabric, it’s made from recycled beechwood. The pulp production is self-sufficient, which makes our tees sustainable, eco-friendly, and so. so. soft.

Marine Layer Review: We test the Marine Layer Claims

This is what Marine Layer has to say about their fabrics:
When we say our stuff is soft, we really mean it. It’s not like “oh, this feels nice” soft. It’s “holy sh#% how did they make this I’m never taking it off” soft.

We totally agree. Marine Layer is incredibly soft. Think about the softest most comfortable shirt in your closet. Turn the softness up times 4 and you have close to the softness level of Marine Layer.

It feels like a cloud looks. Yes. It’s soft. You get it.

Marine Layer Review: What did we try?

Marine Layer Reversible Corbert Pullover

Their styles are very soft and subtle but they have some great little touches – for example, look at the Reversible Corbert Pullover ($145):

Marine Layer Review: The Corbert Pullover

I don’t think that I’ve ever had a reversible item that I like. Ever. But the Reversible Corbert Pullover is simply beautiful. I can’t decide what side I like more: the dark blue or light blue:

marine layer review pullover 2

Like everything else we tried from Marine Layer, this item was super soft. The unique button design allows this to look great on either reversible side.

Marine Layer Signature Hoodie

marine layer signature hoodie review
The Signature Hoodie is aptly named.

The Marine Layer Signature Hoodie ($120) is my current go-to hoodie. It is incredibly soft and the perfect mid-weight. It’s got pockets and a great baggy, but not-to-baggy fit.

marine layer branding

We also love the fact that Marine Layer has very minimal branding. See the image above – they simply have a very small, classy logo on the bottom of the pocket. We hate items that look like a giant advertisement for the clothes you are wearing. Marine Layer really passes this test for us!

Marine Layer Clayton

The Marine Layer Clayton Pullover ($98) was the best value item that we tried.

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Marine Layer Clayton Pull Over

This item was great because it can be dressed up or down. We wore it with something casual like jeans or something more formal, like even dress pants. It even looked good with the new Mizzen + Main Chinos (read our Mizzen and Main Pants Review).

Marine Layer Review: What we didn’t love

The only thing we did NOT love about Marine Layer was simply the price. They are on the more expensive side of clothes, but we promise that you won’t regret any of your purchases. Their clothes are incredibly high quality and amazingly soft. We seriously have no idea how they make their clothes so amazingly soft.

Marine Layer Review: The final verdict

We don’t hesitate to recommend Marine Layer. We love everything about them except for the price – but you get what you pay for. We’re happy to give Marine Layer our We Tried It Seal of Approval.

we tried it approved3 1

Buy Marine Layer now!

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