Fresh Clean Tees Hoodie Review

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Fresh Clean Tees now has… Fresh Clean Hoodies!

Fresh Clean Tees Hoodie Review: I debated on if this should be called the Fresh Clean Hoodies Review or the Fresh Clean Tees Hoodie Review, but none-the-less, here’s our honest review of the Fresh Clean Tees new Hoodies and Fleece Bomber Jacket.

Let’s dive in.

Fresh Clean Tees Outerwear Review – Video

Our video review of the new Fresh Clean Tees Hoodies and Fleece Bomber Jacket.

Fresh Clean Tees Hoodie Review: We test the claims

As we covered in our Fresh Clean Tees review, they are started the company by wanting to accomplish this:

Starting in 2015 — we set out to create quality tees, hoodies, and basics. No frills. Just comfortable, affordable, stylish essentials for you to live in. Our goal has been to empower guys to look and feel their best so they can explore, conquer, and live LIFE TO THE FULLEST!

They make some really great quality, soft, affordable t-shirts. There’s nothing fancy about them, but that’s the way we like them. The Fresh Clean Tees even made it into our Best Men’s Clothing Guide.

So, when we saw they were making Fresh Clean Tees Hoodies and Fleece Bomber Jackets we had to give them a try. Here’s what they have to say abou their outerwear:

Because sometimes it gets too cold to JUST wear a Fresh Clean Tee. Our Fresh Clean Hoodies, Sweatshirts, and Jackets are just as soft as our tee shirts essentially getting you a double layer of super-soft gear to wear.

We actually agree – there’s not a whole lot of fluff here to disagree with. The best part? They are incredibly affordable. Even more affordable if you use our Fresh Clean Tees Promo Code (WETRIEDIT) to save 15% off their already affordable prices.

Fresh Clean Tees Outwear Review: What We Tried

We were able to review both the Fresh Clean Tees Hoodie and the Fresh Clean Tees Fleece Bomber Jacket.

Fresh Clean Tees Fleece Bomber Jacket Review

Everyone knows what a hoodie is, but have you ever seen a Fleece Bomber Jacket?

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What is a Fleece Bomber Jacket? Essentially, it’s a hoodie with the hood cut off. It’s got some different styling to look more refined than that, but essentially that’s exactly what it is.

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I can’t confirm it, but it also feels a little bit lighter weight than the hoodie. Overall, it’s soft, looks good and something different. We approve!

fresh clean bomber jacket 2

Pictured with Perfect Jean (Read our Perfect Jean Review), Buck Mason Tri-Blend Henley (Read our full Buck Mason Review) and White Allbirds.

fresh clean tee bomber
The details of the Fresh Clean Tees Fleece Bomber is pretty incredible.

I’d say the Fresh Clean Tee Fleece Bomber Jacket is slightly “dressier” than a regular hoodie, but offers the comfort – just no actual Hood.

Fresh Clean Tees Hoodie Review

freshc clean hoodie

Pictured with Perfect Jean (Read our Perfect Jean Review), Buck Mason Tri-Blend Henley (Read our full Buck Mason Review) and White Allbirds.

Living in Colorado, I’ve got a stable of hoodies in my closet. Ranging from expensive ones like Marine Layer to name-brand ones like North Face to Buck Mason. They all are just a little different.

The Perfect Tee Hoodie is super soft and really comfortable. It looks more expensive than it really is. It runs true to size.

This isn’t a dig on the hoodie, but it is one of the lighter hoodies in my arsenol of hoodies. In case you are curious, the thickest hoodie I own is from Buck Mason. It is like this Buck Mason Hoodie, but it actually has a zipper in the front.

I don’t understand – why would you buy a hoodie that doesn’t zip in the front? Isn’t that part of the reason WHY you buy a hoodie? Or am I the only one that doesn’t like their hair messed up? 😀

In case you were wondering Fresh Clean Tees DOES make some hoodies without a Zip, in case you like to live on the wild side:

pullover hoodie
We didn’t do a Fresh Clean Tees Pullover Hoodie Review because we like our Hoodies to zip.

Fresh Clean Tees also has a more t-shirt-meets-hoodie combo that looks interesting, too:

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Fresh Clean Tees Hoodie Review: The Fabric

While the Fresh Clean Tees were a 60% ringspun cotton and 40% polyester blend, the Hoodies are slightly more cotton. The Hoodies are made from 80% cotton and 20% polyester blend. The interior is fleece.

inside bomber

All this together means they simply made a comfortable, super-soft hoodie. The fabric is great!

Have any questions or comments about our Fresh Clean Tees Hoodie Review? Leave them in the comments below!

Also, make sure to get our Fresh Clean Tees Promo Code.

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