RadRover 6 Plus Review: The Next Generation of the World’s Best-Selling Fat Tire eBike

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RadRover 6 Review: worth it?

RadRover 6 Review: The RadRover 6 Plus is the latest, greatest fat tire ebike from Rad Power Bikes. It’s the next generation of the world’s best-selling fat tire eBike, but is it a worthy upgrade?

In this review, we’ll explain. The Rad Rover 6 has some pretty big shoes to fill – its predecessor was a huge success, and set the standard for what an ebike should be. But does Rad Power Bikes deliver with their latest offering? Let’s find out!

Rad Rover 6 Plus Review: What’s the Big (FAT) Idea?

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The RadRover 6, technically the Rad Power Bikes RadRover 6 Plus is the latest advancement Rad Power Bike’s flagship fat tire model. They’ve upgraded a ton of of the bike features, inlcuding:

  1. Custom Geared-hub motor
  2. Better Stopping Power thanks to new hydraulic disc breaks
  3. A Streamlined battery
  4. Overall comfort improvements
  5. New Display system (finally!)

Rad Power Bikes says it is the biggest evolution in RadRover history. Read our full Rad Power Bikes Review.

A true Rad Power Bikes RadRover, for a change

radrover 5 vs radrover 6
Rad Rover 5 vs 6 is actually a big change!

I have to be honest with you – we review a lot of eBikes on this website. There are only so many different types of wheels, batteries, displays, and the like that you can coble together to make an eBike.

See how the RadRover 6 Plus stands up in our best fat tire electric bike guide.

Previous Rad Power Bikes

Previous generations of Rad Power Bikes were great – but they felt like they were a combination of the best parts they could find.

Freeforce Beach Cruiser electric bike battery
Humm… does this battery look familiar?

For the first time, in our reviewing eBikes – this feels like a true Rad Power Bike. A bike that only Rad Power Bikes could design. We’ve never seen this display before, or the battery design before. Rad Power Bikes also claims this is a custom-tuned motor, just for the RadRover 6 Plus.

In many ways, this feels like the first true RadRover, and it’s fantastic.

Be sure to check out the best eBike accessories, too.

My Daily Ride for the Past Year: The RadRover 5

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My daily driver… up until now. Keeping reading out radrover 6 plus electric fat tire bike review to find out why!

The Rad Power Bikes RadRover 5 is what started my crazy habit of collecting and reviewing eBikes. I’ve put several hundred miles on my RadRover, which isn’t a lot, but I’ve also reviewed 10+ other eBikes in the same time period. I have to share the love a little bit.

Want to transport this beast? Check out the best fat tire bike rack for your car.

But I kept going back to the RadRover 5. Why?

First of all, it just looks awesome. It other countries, it’s called the RadRhino – which is about how I feel riding this bike. It takes anything I throw at it.

I’ve tested other bikes, like the KBO Breeze, which you think would be similar. And, to be honest, you could ride a KBO Breeze and think it was the best bike in the world – if you didn’t have something to compare it to.

But little things like the extra torque available to send extra power to the motor when climbing hills, just makes this bike a blast to ride. It’s like a big, hulking Rhino of an ebike – but has the grace of a gazelle (albeit a slightly large gazelle) when you need it.

The only thing I didn’t love was the size. The RadRover 5 is large eBike. It’s not the heaviest or tallest eBike we’ve tested, it just feels big. You’ll notice it the most when you try and park it in a bike rack at the grocery store.

Fat Tires Rule

Fat Tires

Some of the best-selling eBikes are fat tire bikes, including the previous RadRover 5 (read our full RadRover 5 review).

Why fat tires? Fat tires are good because they have a lot of surface area. Rad Power Bikes says fat tires are added precisely for this purpose. Cruiser e-bikes incorporate fat tires because they just provide a better grip on the sand, which is why RadRover has them too.

This perk really stems from the larger surface area that fat bikes have – twice as wide as mountain bike tire and nearly four times the width of road bike tire.

Hydraulic Brakes

To be honest with you, I had no idea what hydraulic brakes were before jumping into the world of eBikes.

What are Hydraulic Disc Brakes?

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The new hydraulic disc brakes

Hydraulic disc brakes are a type of brake that uses a sealed fluid system to transfer the braking force from the brake lever to the caliper. This force is then transferred to pistons inside the brake caliper (ceramic brake pads) which push the brake pads into the disc rotor – thus slowing the rotation of the rotor and the wheel with the ceramic brake pads hitting the disc rotor.

Hydraulics provide a superior level of performance and efficiency due to their lack of mechanical cables that are prone to wear, especially if they’re exposed to the elements. The fluid system also has been proven more reliable than steel wire-based systems because there’s no cut or hole necessary on housing which can be easy despite being off-road during hundreds of miles journeys where mud may sneak inside.

So, if Hydraulic Brakes are better in so many ways, how come more eBikes don’t come with them? The answer is pretty simple:

  • They are more expensive
  • They are harder to service if you need them serviced (even though they are more reliable)

As Rad Power Bikes, and most eBike companies, are direct to the consumer, servicing hydraulic brakes if something goes wrong can be a big, giant pain.

RadRover 6 Plus
Since you assemble the eBike yourself, if the hydraulic brakes were busted, that would really suck.

I don’t know this for a fact, but since Rad has upgraded their service offerings (partnering with Velofix and local bike shop partners), I would venture to say they are more comfortable with hydraulic disc brakes.

I heard horror stories from people that bought early versions of the Himiway Escape (read our full Himiway Escape Review, which did include Hydraulic Brakes. They had some shipping problems and hydraulic fluid leaked in the boxes.

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The himiway escape originally came with hydraulic brakes that leaked.

Since then, Himiway has gone back to mechanical disc brakes.

In summary, Rad Power Bikes has listened to the people asking for hydraulic brakes and upgraded the RadRover this time around… finally!

What this means for you is that if you buy a RadRover 6 Plus, it’s going to have an awesome, well-tuned, and efficient braking system. That works. That’s the most important part.

The hydraulic brakes are also adjustable, to keep the ride super-ergonomic.

The RadRover 6 has superior performance and efficiency due to its hydraulic brake system. This system is more reliable than traditional cable-based systems, and is easier to adjust for a perfect fit.

The New Dual Screens Display – the “Rad User Interface”

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Meet the brand new Rad User Interface

I’ve always been annoyed by the screens on eBikes. Seriously, no other eBike that I’ve tested has had a simple clock on the LCD Display. I know we all have Smart Phones these days, but seriously?! Just give me a clock.

The RadRover 6 gives you not only 1 new display, but they give you two. Where the RadRover 5 display looked like a relic from the world of fax machines, the RadRover 6 has two simple, super-functional displays.

One display shows you everything you need to know about Pedal Assist level and battery. I like how they went with a very graphical pedal assist view on the left side, near the controls for pedal assist.

pedal assist display rad rover 6

The other display shows everything related to your current trip. This is a super nice upgrade that I’m glad Rad Power Bikes finally got out of the Stone Age and upgraded.


Some other eBikes do integrate with an app, but frankly, I just want to get on my bike and ride – not wait to connect to an app.

Custom Designed Geared Hub Motor

While the new motor in the RadPower Bikes RadRover isn’t more powerful, it is definitely more finely tuned. What do I mean by that?

rad power bikes review the hub

The RadRover 6 still has 5 levels of pedal assist and the same half twist throttle.

Where you’ll notice the new motor is when utilizing one of the pedal assist settings. To be honest, other eBikes feel a bit “touchy” – especially on the highest pedal assist setting. In other eBikes, you could barely turn the wheels and the bike would take off.

ebike acceleration
The KBO Breeze is SUPER touchy when it comes to pedal assist. The RadRover 6 Plus isn’t.

While that’s fun, it can be a bit difficult to navigate at slower speeds and difficult terrain.

The best way to describe the new rear hub motor, especially when pedaling, is that it feels like it’s not even there. It feels like a mid-drive motor than a rear hub motor – and that’s a very good thing.

Headed up steep hills? This new motor is even better prepared to take whatever you give it. The Rad engineering team has fine-tuned this bike for all the ways you Ride Rad.

They’ve developed a new, custom 750 W geared hub motor that provides more power, more efficiently. The result is the ability to climb hills faster, get up to speed quicker, and enjoy more confidence throughout your entire ride.

Improved battery design

radrover 6 review new battery

The new semi integrated battery design is actually one of the first things I noticed about this ebike when the e bike launched. The old design of the Rad Power Bikes Battery just seemed prehistoric and dated from the beginning.

It just looked like a giant eyesore on an otherwise beautiful bike. Other electric bikes have fully integrated batteries, however, we recommend you get one that can be removed.

A removable battery can be more easily serviced and replaced.

The RadRover’s semi-integrated design still provides all of the benefits of a fully integrated battery, but with a much cleaner look. The proprietary 14 ah, 48V (672 watt-hour) battery houses directly in the frame, which gives your bike a sleeker look and enhances the overall user experience.

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With a practical grip, it’s easier to pop in and pop out with one hand. When it’s time to charge, the simplified, ten LED readout (vs the RadRover 5’s 4 LED read-out) gives you reliable information on how much power you have left at any given time.

Even the wire on the charging block is Rad Power Bikes orange – it’s little improvements that make this bike a big improvement over the previous generation.

Ergonomics, Ergonomics, Ergonomics

The RadRover 5 left some ergonomics to be desired, let’s be honest.

So, the Rad Power Bikes engineers went back to the drawing board. They designed an all-new frame that better accommodates riders at the bottom end of their height recommendation range. The RadRover’s enhanced ergonomics and improved handling promise a smoother, more confident ride, based on a wider range of heights.

Assembly: A Plethora of Options

It used to be that Rad Power Bikes would ship and ugly box to your house and you’d be stuck putting together the eBike all by your lonesome. No more!

Rad has upped their game by allowing several different options for assembly:

  1. You can do it all by yourself.
  2. You can have it built by a Rad Local Bike Shop Partner.
  3. You can have it Pro Built and Delivered by Velofix.

Of course, there are pros and cons to each option.

Build it yourself

radrover 6 assembly

Of course building it yourself is free and the electric fat bike ships within two business days (shipping typically take about 5 or so days). Pretty slick. It took me about 45 minutes or so to put it together by myself. If you don’t have the confidence to put it together, like I was lacking the first couple of electric bikes I assembled, you can always have a mechanic come to your home to review you handy (or not so handy work).

The only issue I consistency have is installing the front tire to align perfectly with the new hydraulic disc brakes (or the mechanical disc brakes in other bikes).

Built by a Rad Local Bike Shop Partner

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This costs $199 and will be ready in as early as 12 days for the RadRover 6 Plus in Fort Collins, CO (at the time of writing this). That’s really not too shabby at all. In my small city, there are two bike shops within a couple miles of here. That’s pretty sweet.

Get front and rear racks? They will also mount them for an additional fee.

Pro Built + Delivered by Velofix

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The of Velofix as Uber meets bike repair shop. A mobile bike shop comes to your home and can give you the bike fully assembled, or can simply check over your work. For $249, they will assemble AND deliver the electric bike to you in about 15 days from ordering. Pretty sweet.

Do you order front and rear racks? They will also add them for an extra charge.

Both the Rad Local Bike Shop Partner and Velofix is perfect for assembling the bike, especially if you’ve never done it before. I strongly recommend you at least get your assembly checked by a professional, you want to make sure you’re not only ridding rad, but riding safe.

Let’s talk about the overall ride experience

The best way to describe the overall ride experience is simply: effortless. You don’t feel like you are riding an eBike, you feel like you are riding a regular fat tire eBike, but you simply have super human capabilities.

I took the RadRover out for a spin in the snow – and it was AWESOME!

The geared motor hub is super tuned and easy to ride, almost to the not noticing the extra support it give you climbing hills or navigating traffic. It feels like Rad Power took all of the complaints and suggestions from their riders and implemented them in this new RadRover model.

Torque – why does it matter?

Another thing to consider when buying any electric bike is the torque. Sure, the overall power of the motor is important – but torque is also super important. This is basically the actual power that gets to the wheels.

I couldn’t find an official measurement to torque in the specs, but I’d imagine the torque is on-par with the previous generation – which is far higher than other eBikes we’ve tested (see our KBO Breeze Review, for example).

But having the custom designed rear hub motor really helps this bike shine. Not only at a cold start, but also climbing hills.

We had no problems with anything we threw at this eBike.

Battery: Let’s talk range

rad powerbikes battery

A lot of people are instantly worried about the range of their electric bike. Most eBike have a range of about 40+ miles. The RadRover 6 Plus officially lists the range as 45+ miles, however, that’s dependent on a lot of different variables:

  • What pedal assist level you are using
  • How much pedaling you are doing
  • Your overall weight – you + any cargo
  • Hills
  • Going with or against the wind
  • A lot more!

Technically the range of this electric bike is unlimited, since you can always pedal. We wouldn’t recommend it, as it is still heavy. However, you can easily count on 30+ miles on this bike, no matter what the conditions. In our first test run, we went about 10 miles and it only took off 2 of the 10 bars on the battery display.

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The RadRover also comes standard with a Samsung battery (or Panasonic 35E cells, rated for 800 charge cycles) – which is one of the best in the business. We haven’t had any issues with degradation or anything like that, even after months of riding and testing.

We simply didn’t care for the overall look of the previous design of the battery and this is a huge area that Rad Power Bikes improved with this design.

Battery Life Concerns? Not for me.

Battery life has never been a huge concern for me, especially with the Rad Battery Pack. I rarely need to go on a trip over 20 miles. If I’m at all worried, I simply lay off the twist throttle and pedal more.

I also think it’s a big reason this bike FEELS lighter. But more on that in just a second.

The Front Fork

radrover 6 plus front fork

I never thought I’d notice the front suspension on a bike, until I tried one without a front suspension. Some say that the front suspension is overkill on a bike with fat tires, but I tend to disagree.

The front suspension features a preload adjustment and lock out that allows you to control how much “give” the front suspension has. I like to let this loose a bit for a more comfortable ride. Bumpy terrain? It doesn’t matter if it’s a paved surface, a gravel surface or off road, this bike will handle it all.

Rad Power Bikes RadRover 6 Plus Review: What we didn’t like

While all in all, the RadRover 6 is an incredible, extremely versatile bike, there are a couple of small shortcomings we encountered.

Rear Rack: not included

radrover 6 rear rack

Many fat tire eBikes these days come with a rear rack included. The Rad Power Bikes branded rear rack is only $89, which is a fair price. We just wish it was included.

The bike is still super heavy

This bike still weighs 73. lb, which is about four pounds more than RadRover’s predecessor. For some reason, it doesn’t feel any heavier at all. In fact, it feels lighter.

I have no logical idea on how Rad Power Bikes did it. I think part of the way it feels lighter, even though it’s not – is the way the battery is semi-integrated. The previous generation had a big, bulky battery that was not as long as the current generation’s battery. I think that’s how they shaved a bit of weight.

But, that’s just speculation on my part. All I know is that Rad Power Bikes somehow managed to make this bike even better and yet, still keep the weight feel less. It’s pretty amazing when you think about it.

The limited heights this works for

radrover sizing
Find the frame size that works best for you from one of the other rad models.

This bike is still large, as we mentioned. It doesn’t feel as big as a monster as the RadRover 5, but it’s still only suitable for height 5’4″ – 6’2″ – but this bike is a great fit for larger riders.

The step through version of the eBike is suitable for heights 5’2″ – 6’2″, which is an improvement. However, I’m not sure my wife would feel comfortable riding the step through version, even though she is 5’2″ – it’s still a lot of bike.

The RadRover 6: Checking all the standard boxes

radrover 6 step thru
Also available in a step thru version – some have complained about frame flex wth this version, but we haven’t reviewed it yet.

Of course the RR 6 checks all the typical boxes of an eBike, especially one inching toward more premium territory:

  • Shimano Altus derailleur and cassette
  • LED front light and rear light (these are actually automatically turned on when it gets dark – you can also manually turn them on)
  • Adjustable suspension fork
  • 6061 aluminum alloy frame
  • 7-speed gears
  • Class 2 eBike with a top speed of 20 MPH
  • Fat tires with puncture protection and reflective sidewalls

Also, be sure to check out our top Rad Power Bike Accessories, too.

RadRover 6 Plus Review: The Final Verdict

In many ways, the RadRover 6 is the first eBike from Rad Power Bikes that actually feels like it’s one of its own. From the custom frame to the battery upgrades to even the orange wire on the battery charger, this bike feels like it is 100% conceived from the DNA of Rad Power Bikes – not the best collection of the same components used by other eBike companies.

That’s an incredibly good thing.

There’s not much bad to say about this incredibly capable fat tire eBike. Even the price is reasonable: $1,999. I could argue that maybe it’s a couple of hundred dollars more than other eBikes in a similar category (look at our HJM Toury eBike Review, for example) – but you’re paying for more than just the eBike your butt sits on for hundreds of miles.

You’re really paying for the peace of mind that if something goes wrong with your eBike, there are real people in United State – and maybe even in your city through the Rad Local Bike Bike Shop Partners that can help.

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If you’re looking to spend about $2,000 on a great, all purpose eBike, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a better, more capable and reliable solution.

We are proud to give this eBike the WeTriedIt seal of approval.

How fast does the RadRover 6 Plus go?

The RadRover 6 Plus is a Class 2 eBike, which means it goes up to 20 MPH assisted – either through pedal-assist or pure throttle. Physics won’t stop the bike from going any faster (pedaling harder or going downhill), but the motor stops providing power at 20 MPH.

What class is the RadRover 6?

The RadRover 6 Plus is a Class 2 eBike, which translates to a top speed of 20 mph assisted by the motor – either pedal-assist or pure throttle. The motor does not provide power beyond 20 mph, but physics (going downhill or pedaling harder) will not stop the bike from going faster than 20 MPH.

How fast is the RadRover 6?

The RadRover 6 Plus has a top assisted speed of 20 mph – either pedal-assist or pure throttle. The motor does not provide power beyond 20 mph, but physics (going downhill or pedaling harder) will not stop the bike from going faster than 20 MPH.

What is the range of the RadRover 6 Plus?

25 – 45 Miles – all dependent on a variety of variables: wind, use of throttle and pedal assist, terrain, payload, etc. We consistently get about 35 miles on a full range – using pedal assist liberally.

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