Aroma360 Diffuser Review: Easy-to-Use and Affordable… but any good?!

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The Aroma360 Diffuser Review – how does it compare to other aroma360 reviews? If you’ve read other aroma360 diffuser reviews, you don’t want to miss this one!

Who doesn’t want their home to smell like your favorite luxury resort? That’s the claim Aroma360 Makes with their range of diffusers. But is it worth it? Does it actually work? By the end of our Aroma360 Review, you’ll know exactly if the Aroma360 diffusers are for you.

Smells like a luxury hotel
Aroma360 Mini Diffusers

Cold-air fusion makes your home smell like your favorite luxury hotel.

  • Easy to use
  • Simple set up
  • Great scents
  • Looks chic
  • Makes a little noise when running
  • Scents can be hit or miss
  • Only 1 scent at a time
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Is is aroma 360 worth it? Watch one of the most honest 360 aroma reviews around.

Why should you trust us?

We know a thing or two about scents – we’ve tested everything from candles (read Capri Blue Volcano Dupes) to the Pura Smart Diffuser (read our Pura Review and get the Pura Promo Code), Drift (read our Drift Review), the Aera (read our Aera Diffuser Review and Aera Mini Review), and literally everything in-between.

Wait a second, who is Aroma360?

More than a aromatherapy diffuser – the aroma oil diffuser is a great device to class up any joint.

Aroma360 has quickly become the leading force in the scent marketing industry. Their specialty is enhancing the overall brand and customer experience through scent branding and marketing strategies.

ritz carlton scenting
Want to smell it like the Ritz?

Aroma360 has designed custom scents for hotels like the Borgata Hotel and Casino, the Atlantis Hotel in Paradise Island, spas like Disney Senses Spas, Ritz Carlton, Biltmore and many more. With the Aroma360 Smart Diffuser, you can bring those same amazing scents into your own home! 

So without further ado – let’s get to our Aroma360 Diffuser review! Also, check out how to make your home smell like a hotel.

Read on to learn more about this amazing product and find out if it’s right for you. 

Happy diffusing! 🙂

What is the Aroma360 Smart Diffuser?

aroma360 mini diffuser
The electric diffuser.

For this review, we’ll be focused on the Mini360, a best seller from Aroma360. This product retails for $299 (but here’s where we’ve found the best deal). The Mini360 is designed to scent up to 400 square feet.

However, Aroma360 sells many other diffusers that are actually designed to integrate into existing HVAC Systems.

We tested the Aroma360 Mini360, remote version. We did not use the Aroma 360 app for this review. The Wi-Fi Version is currently not available. That’s ok – the remote was great, too!

HVAC Scenting

hvac scenting

Ever wonder how your favorite hotel or car dealership can smell amazing without visible diffusers? The answer is pretty simple: HVAC Scenting. Read more about what is HVAC Scenting and our Aroma360 HVAC Diffuser Review.

HVAC Scenting is simply diffusing scent through your HVAC system. Aroma360 offers diffusers that can cover up to 6,000 square feet! That’s huge! Plus, they require no maintenance – just a monthly scent refill. 

While we weren’t brave enough to test out HVAC Scenting for our first review – it’s expensive AND requires you to connect to your HVAC system. This is a much bigger commitment to something we weren’t sure we would like in the first place. So, we wanted to start small and start with the Mini360.

Meet the Mini360

aroma360 ls
Not just “air fresheners” – these are more than a air freshener – they are a great way to spread scent in your home.

Aroma360’s revolutionary Diffuser brings a new level of convenience and ease to fragrance diffusion. Available as a “non-smart” version controlled by a remote or a “smart” WiFi-enabled device. However, at time of purchase, the Smart WiFi-enabled version was not available.

We tested the Mini360 SL – the remote-controlled version.

Aroma360 Review: How the Aroma360 Mini360 Works + Set Up

Aroma 360 mini setup – is super simple

Setting up the Aroma360 Mini360 Diffuser is a breeze. There are a couple of easy steps:

  1. Unpackage everything.
  2. Plug in the Arom360a Mini360
  3. Unscrew the top of the Mini360 and pull out the top.
  4. Select your scent.
  5. Screw the bottle into the Mini360 Cap.
  6. Put the cap on the base. 
  7. Smell wonderful!

It’s really that easy! I expected there to be many more steps, but there weren’t. 

You can power the Mini360 by using the included remote. It’s pretty easy to understand. The instructions were very straightforward and easy to follow. 

The Remote

aroma360 diffuser remote
You can see the different scent intensity levels you can select.

The remote is super simple and easy to use. It offers a couple of unique controls:

  • Density: + and – : Each press increases the amount of Aroma by 10%, respectively.
  • Aroma: Pressing the Aroma button makes the unit work continuously to release scent
  • Blue Scent Buttons: Labled as: 20%, 35%, 50%, 65%, 80%, 95% 
  • 20% – Diffuser will diffuse scent for 40s and pause for 160s
  • 50% – Diffuser will diffuse scent for 100s and pause for 100s 
  • 95% – Diffuser will diffuse scent for 180s and pause for 10s
  • The levels in between will obviously offer you something in the middle of the defined variables.

How the Aroma360 Mini360 Performs

aroma360 diffuser 2

We love everything Scents in our home, so we’re always looking for something new to test in the fragrance department. From our Pura Review to our Aera Review and even Candles, we love everything that smells really good.

I tested the Mini360 in my office for the first time. Using innovative cold air diffusion technology, the high-pressurized Aroma360 nano-mist was dispersed in the room. After a few minutes, I could really smell my chosen scent! I first tested Arom360’s ’24K Magic’ scent, is supposed to be the scent that W Hotels uses (read all things about how to make your home smell like a hotel), first. I’ll talk more about the actual scent in just a moment. 

The Hotel Scent at Home - W Hotels
24K Magic - W Hotels Scent

Love the scent the moment you walk into a W Hotel? The same scent can be found at Aroma360.

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The Aroma360 Mini360 stays suspended in the air longer and offers better scent coverage than traditional reed diffusers or candles. Aroma360’s innovative atomization technology is residue-free and safe for pets, children, and furniture – something you can’t always say about other scents. 

In fact, my wife, in the other room, even commented that she smelled the scent. 

The best thing is what I didn’t see: a mist from the diffuser. For some odd reason, I expected to see a mist. Aroma360 does use atomization, but it’s residue-free and all I could smell is the scent of my chosen scent. 

Aroma360 Mist

What’s great about the Aroma360 Mini360 Diffuser

The best thing about the Mini360 Diffuser is that it simply works and it works really well. 

ritz carlton scent aroma 360
aroma 360 best scents – it all depends on what you looking for! But they offer some very good scents!

As long as you follow the instructions, you’ll have no problem filling a 400-square-foot place with your chosen scent. 

The setup is super easy and the device just works. The remote is a great way to turn the device on and off and is no fuss at all.

The device just fills – and we mean fills – the area with scent. It just takes a couple of minutes to make the entire area smell like the Aroma360 scent of your choosing. 

Be sure to check out the sister company to Aroma360, The Hotel Collection and our Hotel Collection Luggage Review.

What we don’t love about the Aroma360 Diffuser

what does ozone smell like 1
“Ozone” is literally a scent in the Ritz Carlton scent.

We’re not being negative about the Aroma360 Diffuser, but this is the whole reason we wanted to start this website: to help you know if any product is worth your hard-earned dollar.

If you find a scent you like with Aroma360, you’re going to love it. However, as we’ve mentioned in other smart diffuser reviews, like our Aera Review, the toughest part is selecting a fragrance that you aren’t familiar with.

The Fragrances

I love going to W Hotels. They are chic, classy and fun in one. They smell great, too. So do their BLISS Spas. 

w hotel room
Can’t you just smell this room?

I was excited to test out the W Hotels Scent, 24K Magic, with the Mini360. While the scent was perfect in the hotel, in my house it was just too much.

It’s kinda like when you go to a nice restaurant and the food is great, but when you try to recreate it at home, it’s just not quite there. That’s how I felt about Aroma360’s 24K Magic scent in my house.

The scent smelt too cologne-like. In fact, it gave both my wife and I a headache. 

Finding the right scent that you love is hard. They say that scent is the sense that is most strongly tied to memory. That makes getting the perfect scent for you that much harder. 

Thankfully, you can work with Aroma360 to get sample scents to make sure you can smell them before you buy. 

Only 1 Scent at a time

pura two scents

We admit we’re spoiled by the Pura Smart Diffuser. Their scents are scents that we already know and love, like Capri Blue Volcano. 

But we also love we can use two alternating scents with the Pura Diffuser. While we don’t need two scents, it helps us not suffer from olfactory fatigue. Read more in our guide to the Best Pura Scents.

What is olfactory fatigue?

nose smell

Olfactory fatigue, also known as olfactory adaptation, is a phenomenon that occurs when your sense of smell becomes less sensitive or fatigued over time, especially if you are constantly exposed to strong odors. When this happens, you may not be able to detect certain scents as easily as you could before.

This process is thought to occur as a protective mechanism to prevent the brain from being overwhelmed by constant exposure to strong odors. When you are exposed to a strong odor for an extended period of time, your brain adjusts to the presence of the odor and begins to filter it out, making it less noticeable. This allows you to continue to function normally despite the presence of the odor.

Olfactory fatigue can be temporary or long-lasting, depending on the duration and intensity of the odor. It can also be affected by individual factors such as age, overall health, and your sense of smell sensitivity.

If you have the same candle or same diffuser running for a long period of time, it’s possible to get this fatigue of scent.

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Funny enough, that’s why your home smells different after coming back from a vacation. In reality, it’s how your home smells to everyone else. You’re just used to it.

The Remote

aroma360 remote

While I’m a techno-nerd, I love it when things just work. 

The remote works, but it also has to be turned on. Smart Diffusers like the Aera and Pura can be programmed to turn on or off at certain times of day, or even when you aren’t near the home, but the Remote still requires you to turn it on and off.

My definition of a smart home isn’t where everything is connected, it’s where you don’t actually have to push a button to make things work – it all happens automatically. By not having schedules, the Aroma360 Mini360 adds another step to my everyday process. 

The Noise

While the Aera Smart Diffuser makes a little bit of noise, the Mini360 makes about the same level of noise. 

While this isn’t a deal killer by any stretch, you may notice the subtle hum of the Mini360 as it fills your space with scent. 

It’s not a big deal at all, but just something to be aware of.

You’ll hear the internal fan a little more with a higher scent intensity level than at a lower level. But it’s not very loud at all.

Aroma360 vs. Pura vs. Aera

pura review scaled

I may have sounded nit-picky in my criticism of the Mini360, but it’s all true. The same can be said of the Aera Smart Diffuser: it all comes down to the scents.

It really does.

Would you buy a candle that you didn’t love the smell?

Well, maybe, but you wouldn’t light it.

The same is true for the Aroma360. If you can find scents that you love for the Aroma360, the Mini360 does an incredible job. 

Most Comprable to The Aera

Great for small spaces
Aera Mini Diffuser

While the Aera Mini is a fraction of the price of the larger Aera Smart Diffuser, the Aera Mini Still packs a might scent punch. Perfect for small spaces that can stink (I'm looking at you, kid's bathroom), Aera's odor-fighting fragrances have a chance to show their true power.

Buy Now Best Scents
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I would put Aroma360’s Mini360 Diffuser on the same playing field of Aera.

Both the Aera Smart Diffusers and Mini360 Diffuser have less common scents (read about our best Aera Scents). 

However, if you find a scent you love, I think both the Mini360 and the Aera Diffusers do a better job dispersing the scent than the Pura Smart Diffuser.

The Pura Smart diffuser has a couple of things going for it:

  1. It has scents you know and love already (like the Capri Blue Volcano scent we know and love).
  2. It offers smart scheduling.
  3. You can use two different scents at the same time to avoid scent fatigue. 
  4. It’s silent
Our #1 Smart Diffuser
Pura Smart Diffuser

What's better than candles? Something that smells EXACTLY like a candle and is less expensive. We've found the world's best smart diffuser, Pura. Get Pura and enjoy scents you already know and love, like Capri Blue and many, many more.

  • Many scents that you already know and love
  • Inexpensive device
  • Holds two scents - not just one
  • Programmable with your Smart Phone
  • Nightlight
  • Limited coverage (but can always buy 2)
  • Diffuser is frequently out of stock
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However, it isn’t as good at dispersing the scents as Aera and Aroma360. Aera and Aroma360 Actively push out a scent and Pura simply heats a scent. There’s nothing wrong with either approach, but Aera and Aroma360 definitely do a better job dispersing the scent.

The Aroma360 price

SilverWirelessPro 1300x

The Aroma360 Diffuser has been upgraded (technically, it was called the Mini360 before) to the Wireless Pro™.

It currently retails for $299, but you can easily save $100 by subscribing to a a fragrance.

Final Thoughts: Aroma360 Diffuser Review

aroma360 box
The aroma 360 diffuser, still in the box.

Aroma360’s Mini360 Diffuser is a great choice for those looking for an affordable and easy-to-use diffuser. It disperses a wide variety of Aroma360 scents effectively, and the remote makes it easy to control. It’s also virtually silent, making it an excellent choice for those looking for a diffuser that won’t disturb their sleep or relaxation time. However, the Aroma360 does have one major disadvantage: its limited selection of scents.

Pura may be a better option if you’re picky about your scents. Ultimately, choosing between Pura and Aroma360 will come down to personal preference and scent selection. Either way, both diffusers are great options for adding some aroma-therapeutic scents to your home. 

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The Aroma360 Mini360 Diffuser is a great choice for those looking for an affordable, easy-to-use diffuser to fill their home with fragrances and aromas.

1 thought on “Aroma360 Diffuser Review: Easy-to-Use and Affordable… but any good?!”

  1. I have tried all 3 too, great review and 100% fair and accurate! Thank you! By FAR the Mini360 from Aroma360 is the best for the ‘picky scenters’ because that co vs others have access to more complex scents 8-9 top, middle, base notes vs 1-2 with the others. It makes sense if they created them for the 5 star Hotel, ha ha! Good enough for me if its good enough for Ritz Carlton, Aria, Encore/ Wynn, The Biltmore, The W, The 1Hotel, Edition, Westin. I am most likely going to upgrade to their larger hybrid device for my entire 1,600 sq ft on main floor. A Must for entertaining and with kids and a dog, no more candles/ plug-ins, a waste of $ and full of chemicals, yuck. Aroma360 scents are IFRA certified and The Best!


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