RadRover 5 Review: is America’s #1 Fat Tire Bike Absolutely Worth It?

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RadRover 5 Review
Meet the RadRover 5: the most popular Fat Tire eBike in North America.

eBikes at everywhere. But how do you find the right eBike for you? How about we start with ever-popular Rad Power Bikes and their flagship RadRover 5? Keep reading our honest Rad Power Bike RadRover 5 Review to learn all about the amazing Rad Rover and what makes it the most popular electric fat tire bike in North America.

Meet The RadRover 5 Fat Tire Electric Bike

RadRover 5 Review

The Good

  • An amazing off-road bike
  • Easy to assemble
  • Comes from Rad Power Bikes
  • Incredibly fun to ride!
  • Great battery life

The Bad

  • Large and Heavy
  • Doesn’t include rack (but can be purchased)

Warning, this is RadRover 5 Review is one of the longest reviews we’ve ever posted, so feel free to use the table of context if there’s a certain area you want to dive deeper into. Or, you can just watch the video review of the RadRover 5 here:

Also, check out our Rad Power Bikes Review – where we give you an overview of all the Rad Power Bikes. We also just posted the full RadRover 6 Review.

Also, be sure to check out our guide to the best eBikes and best fat tire eBikes.

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Quick aside: check out our full Rad Power Bikes Review, too.

eBikes: what’s the big idea and how was I going to use it?

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I’ve always wanted an eBike. I really don’t have a logical reason for them, except for living in one of the country’s most cycle-friendly cities. Shoot, we even have a famous beer made here called Fat Tire.

Fort Collins, CO, is full of trails to explore, and most of the time, the weather is pretty enjoyable, too. There are some snow showers, but the sun is out around 300 days out of the year.

Who am I and why am I writing this Rad Power Bike Rad Rover 5 Review?

I either work from home or on an airplane, so I don’t need a commuter. My little ones are 2 and 4 when writing this – so the little ones aren’t avid bikers… yet. In short, I’m not a “bike snob” or even a bike expert. I just wanted a fun bike that my kids could ride with me, and I could get outside more.

In other words, I wanted an eBike that could haul the kids, have a decent range, and be able to handle some different terrain.

I had no idea what I was getting myself into! But let’s start our RadRover 5 Review by first talking about what is an eBike.

What is an eBike?

A silly question, I know: but it’s important.

eBikes are an interesting combination of the best of bicycles, motorcycles, and mopeds. In the US, eBikes are limited at 20 MPG to be classified as eBikes, but they are unique because they can be 100% pedal-powered, too. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and even prices. They range from $300 – $5,000+ and come from brands you’ve heard of, like Trek, to cheap Chinese knockoffs.


The $350 Jetson eBike

trek ebike

The $12,999 Trek eBike

The one thing that all eBikes have in common is an electric motor. These electric motors assist you in pedaling the bike – or some eBikes can be used in a throttle-only mode. The Rad Power Bikes all have throttle-only abilities and can also provide different levels of pedal assist.

Once you activate the pedal assist, you’ll immediately notice that each pedal stroke suddenly seems a little easier. This is pedal assist in a nutshell.

All Rad Power Bikes come with a display on your left handlebar stem which allows you to set how much power is delivered through pedaling while riding so that you don’t have to worry about missing control of your speed.

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RadRover 5 Pedal Assist Controls

You should start at a low setting, like level 1, which will make you feel like there’s a steady hand guiding your ride with a soft push.

Once you get used to pedal-assist at level 1, you can experiment with higher settings, which go from giving you just a tad more help to put a whole lot of GO behind each stroke (up to 750 watts in the U.S. — the equivalent of 1 horsepower!).

If I want some real exercise, I’ll put the pedal-assist at level 1 or 2. If I need to get somewhere fast or have a super-steep hill, I’ll put it at level 3 or 4. The nice thing is you are in control!

When you stop pedaling, the pedal-assist stops working, so you’ll never have to worry about losing any control. Another great feature on this eBike: the pedal-assist AND throttle stop working if you apply the brake (either front or back).

It’s truly something you need to experience to understand, but hopefully, that is description is helpful!

Rad Power Bikes RadRover 5: What is it?

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Review of Rad Power Bikes = 👍🏻

The Rad Power Bikes RadRover 5 is a fat tire electric bike with an aluminum frame, front suspension fork, and mechanical disc brakes. At $1,700, it sits right in the middle of higher-end eBikes and cheap eBikes – but Rad Power Bikes really tried to strike the balance between quality, cost, and features. This bad boy is designed to be seen – and ridden – in a wide variety of environments. From city streets to mountain biking, the RadRover is truly a versatile eBike.

But the RadRover 5 is not without its limitations, but more on that in just a second in our RadRover 5 Review.

The FAT Tires – one of the first things you’ll notice about this bike

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One of the first things you’ll notice on the RadRover is the tires. They are huge!

The RadRover 5 has SUPER fat tires – 4 inches – designed to work on any terrain: from paved city streets or gravel paths in the park – all while still being comfortable for riders of different sizes.

The Verdict on the tires? They work wonderfully on any terrain. While I haven’t taken this hardcore mountain biking yet, it’s been a lot of fun even in the dirt!

Made from a layer of aramid and ceramic particles inside the tire under the tread, the Kenda K-Shield integrated tire liner is a line of defense designed to provide extra protection against punctures from thorns, glass, and other small materials. More on why the RadRover 5 has fat tires down below.

Other Cool RadRover 5 features

The Rad Power Bike RadRover 5 also has some really cool features like:

A powerful 750-watt motor that will get you going to speeds limited at 20 MPH (more on this in a second).

RadRover 5 Review - the motor
The rear motor is integrated into the back wheel.

A 48V, 14 Ah Lithium-Ion Battery removable battery pack so it can be charged off your home outlet or on the bike (it’s also upgradeable and replaceable). This battery give you 45+ miles of range on a single charge

275 lb Payload Capacity – that includes the rider (obviously) and any other cargo – either in a basket or being pulled (or on the bike, like my son here on child’s seat).

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My son on the uRider seat.

The large backlit LCD display has a charge indicator, speedometer, odometer, and trip meter to help keep you aware of how far away from home. It also includes pedal assist level (low-high), wattmeter, and more!

7-Speeds to give you a wide variety of torque, in addition to the included electric motor.

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7 Gears, just like an “regular” bike would have.

A bright headlight and taillight are powered by the bike battery and controllable via the bike’s LCD screen and built-in controls.

Tons of available accessories, including a front rack and rear cargo basket for carrying groceries or a passenger package for hauling kids

It also comes with front and back fenders, which is super helpful if you ever come across water or puddles. Especially at higher speeds, this really helps keep your pants dry!

Mechanical Disc Brakes: while hydraulic DiSC brakes are nicer, these front and rear mechanical disc brakes get the job done. However, just be warned that your Mechanical Disc Brakes will be noisy for a while. They take some time to get worn in and not be squeaky.

Much much more, that we’ll dive into in this Rad Power Bike RadRover 5 Review.

RadRover 5: How does it compare to other eBikes?

The Rad Power Bike RadRover 5 is an eBike on steroids. Huge in size and with the look of an indestructible beast, it’s made for all-terrain adventures that only those who are brave enough can take up… and trips to the store, too.

RadRover 5 vs. other eBikes: The Size

The RadRover 5 isn’t just your average bike; this one is built to EXPLORE! It looks like it would be too big to maneuver around town or through tight trails, but I assure you, there’s nothing better than feeling safe as you hit speeds of 20 MPH while riding down slopes in search of new adventure destinations no matter where they may lead us along the way.

Let’s look at how the bike looks. From the website, it’s not clear, but this bike is HUGE. In fact, here is the RadRover 5 next to a motorcycle.

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The RadRover5 (in front) without the uRider kids seat and a Triumph Motorcycle in the back.
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The RadRover5 (in front) WITH the uRider kids seat and a Triumph Motorcycle in the back.

It’s nearly the same size. Granted, the motorcycle next to the RadRover 5 is a smaller street motorcycle, but it gives you some scale.

The RadRover 5 weighs an astonishing 69 pounds without any accessories. That’s a heavy bike! To put that into perspective, most regular bikes weigh anywhere from about 35 – 45 pounds – it’s twice as big.

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The RadRover 5 in front and my previous Schwinn Bike behind.

But with great size comes a lot of features that you won’t find on other eBikes. A couple of features make this bike much larger than other comparable eBikes; let’s dive into how the RadRover 5 compares to other eBikes.

Review Rad Power Bikes RadRover 5 vs. other eBikes: Other Features

Besides the tires, the RadRover 5 still has some unique features to other eBikes. Just got fun, I decided to compare it to a couple of other popular eBikes, the KBO Breeze and the Sondors X for this RadRover 5 Review:

RadRover 5

radrover 5 small

Price: $1,699

Motor Power: 750W

Weight: 69 lbs

Throttle + Pedal Assist

Battery: 48V

✅ Includes Fenders

Removable Battery

✅ Includes Front + Rear Tailight

Optional back cargo rack

Huge Tubeless Tires

Front Suspension Fork

KBO Breeze

breeze smal

Price: $1,399

Motor Power: 500W

Weight: 62 lbs

Throttle + Pedal Assist

Battery: 48V

✅ Includes Fenders

Removable Battery

✅ Includes Front + Rear Tailight

Includes Back Cargo Rack

Mid-size Tubeless Tires

Front Suspension Fork

Sondors X

sandors x small

Price: $1,199

Motor Power: 500W

Weight: 70 lbs

Throttle + Pedal Assist

Battery: 48V

❌ Does not include fenders

Built-in Battery

❌ Does not include Front + Rear Tailight

Couldn’t find Cargo Rack

Huge Tubeless Tires

No Front Suspension Fork

As you can see, all of the eBikes are just a little bit different! Of course, you can’t compare Apple to Apples or Rad Power Bikes to KBO bikes or Sondor bikes directly – that would be too easy, right?! They all have slightly different specs.

I will actually be reviewing the KBO Breeze eBike soon to give you my honest review. The main thing I’m interested in is the motor. Will I be able to notice the motor has fewer watts? I’ll keep you posted!

Rad Power Bikes vs. Other eBikes: The accessories

I love Rad Power Bikes because they have a super-active Facebook community AND a ton of branded accessories. I’m not really all about “brands,” per se. However, if I’m going to spend more than $1,500 on a bike, I want it to look decent. That’s the awesome part about Rad Power Bikes. They have a ton of accessories that are designed for their bikes.

Have no fear, they also use fairly standard sizes for everything, so you don’t have to worry about things like bike racks not fitting. While you may be able to save a dollar or two on some accessories, bike accessories, in general, are fairly expensive. I’d save the trouble and just buy some Rad Power Bike branded accessories to save yourself any trouble. See our must-have Rad Power Bike Accessories.

RadRover 5 Tires – Why even have an Electric Fat Bike?

the fat tires
The RadRover 5 Tires are huge!

The tires make the RadRover bike much larger than most other eBikes. To be honest, I had no idea what Fat Tires were used for (except for looking cool) until I started looking into the RadRover 5. Why do so many bikes have fat tires these days?

The answer is simple. The fat tires make the bike more stable and much easier to ride over rough terrain like sand or snow. But the fat tires make them even more stable on concrete, too.

I could never balance a bike and pedal without my hands on the bike, but I can do this with this bike, no problem!

RadRover 5: Tubeless tires, too!

The RadRover has four-inch wide Kenda Big Block Tires that are tubless. I had no idea tubeless tires even existed! Normal tires use a separate inner tube. This type of tire is more puncture resistant.

riding radrover5

Tubeless tires have continuous ribs molded integrally into the bead of the tire so that they are forced by the pressure of the air inside the tire to seal with the flanges of the metal rim of the wheel. But why use tubeless tires? Tubeless tires are easier to inflate and don’t require as high pressure, allowing you to run lower tire pressure for a better ride. They’re less likely to blow out and have fewer flats overall when compared to standard tubed tires.

The large size wheels also provide stability for riders who have trouble balancing themselves as well as providing traction when going up hills.

That doesn’t mean that you are invincible on this Rad Power Bikes fat bike. You will, however, feel invincible.

While Fat Tires were originally designed for the snow, they were not designed for the ice. On my first Rad Power Bike Ride with my son, we hit some ice and fell pretty badly. Luckily, we were both safe and I just ended up with a nasty bruise.

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My nasty bruise.

Since my son was having so much fun, thankfully, he was excited to get back on the bike – literally – and continue exploring. Another tip: I applied some Just Live CBD cream to this bruise, and it went away within days! Read our Just Live CBD Review and get our Just Live CBD Promo Code, too!

Make sure also to wear a helmet. Read our XNITO Helmet Review, too.

RadRover 5 Review: The Throttle + Peddle Assist

I didn’t know this when I got the RadRover 5, but not all eBikes have a direct throttle. It turns out there are three classes of eBikes. Learn more about the different eBike Classifications. But here’s a quick summary:

Class 1 eBikes

Only pedal assist, no throttle. Goes up to 20 MPH

Class 2 eBikes

Pedal Assist + throttle. Goes up to 20 MPH

Class 3 eBikes

Only Pedal assist, up to 28 MPH.

The RadRover 5 is a Class 2 eBike. In most states, Class 1 and 2 eBikes are allowed on regular bike trails. It’s a little more iffy on Class 3 eBikes (some are allowed with a limiter or programmed to not go over a certain speed). Check your local laws and just don’t be a jerk.

However, Class 2 eBikes are the only ones that have a throttle. What this means is that you can go from a dead stop to 20 MPH without pedaling… at all. That’s pretty darn cool.

As mentioned, the RadRover 5 is HEAVY, and when I put my son on it with me and it’s even heavier. Starting from a hard stop is not super easy. I use the throttle a lot just to get started to speed through intersections.

Rad Power Bike RadRover 5: Let’s talk power

The RadRover 5 has what is called a geared hub motor in the rear tire. Besides the battery, the rear hub motor is the biggest giveaway that this is an electric bike.

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The geared hub motor is located in the back of the (puncture resistant) tire).

I didn’t know this before purchasing an electric bike, but there are three types of motors:

Rear Hub Motor Drive: A motor that is in the rear wheel.

Mid Drive: A motor that is near the pedals.

Front Hub Motor Drive: A motor that goes in the front tire.

Most eBikes will have a rear geared hub motor, simply due to cost. I wouldn’t recommend a front-drive motor. Mid Drive motors can be more reliable but are also incredibly expensive. I hope to review a Mid Drive motor electric bike soon (hopefully another fat bike) to give you an honest review.

Torque: an important measurement

Another thing to consider when buying any electric bike is the torque. Sure, the overall power of the motor is important – but torque is also super important. This is basically the actual power that gets to the wheels.

The RadRover has 80 Nm (called “newton-meters”) of torque. To compare that to some of the other Rad Power Bikes, the Rad City electric bike has 40 Nm of Torque – that’s half as much torque!

You won’t notice the torque as much when you are pedaling – I notice it most when starting from a cold stop, using the throttle. It’s the first couple MPH that are slower with lower torque.

It’s amazing on the RadRover 5 Electric Bike – but you will only notice a difference if you are directly comparing it to another electric bike.

I compared the RadRover 5 Electric Bicycle to the KBO Breeze eBike (read our KBO Breeze Review) – I really noticed the difference in the torque. This fat tire bike really shines in delivering more toque than the competitors.

RadRover Review: Why and who should the electric fat tire bike?

The RadRover 5 is the perfect eBike for someone who wants a super versatile eBike that can handle a wide variety of situations – from mountain biking to going to the grocery store – and still look like they are riding a real Bike.

It’s also perfect for the person who wants to be seen – this bike totally turns heads (in a good way). The two-color choices: army green and matte black, accented by a bright orange logo, will make you notice this bike. All of that is situated on top of two massive tires.

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The Forest Green – I’d call it Army Green, is a nice pop, too!

If you’re anything like me, you’ve also probably got a giant smile on your face because you finally feel like a little kid again and are having the time of your life, and you’re (safely) whizzing past everyone looking at you on the bike.

This is also the perfect bike for someone who wants to customize the bike. I’m not super adventurous when it comes to customization, and I’ve stuck to mostly Rad Power Bike Accessories; there are tons of different options – from front carrier to back racks to upgrades on the trip computer that allow you to make this bike your own. You may have noticed in the photos that the accessories have changed slightly as I play around with what I like and don’t like.

RadRunner Accessories
This is the Rad Runner (not RadRover 5 – but it shows you the accessories you can get).

The RadRover 5 also is on the high end of range capability for an eBike. At 45+ miles per charge, this eBike can take you a long way! The actual range is REALLY hard to estimate because it depends on so many different things (weight, wind, how much you are peddling, etc.). In fact, I’ve taken this on 20+ Mile journeys with my little guy riding with me and only used about half the battery.

You can also use this bike 100% on throttle mode makes such a big difference. In all honesty, I couldn’t handle a bike this size (and this weight) without the pedal assist and throttle. I typically have to use the throttle to get started riding the bike when my son is riding with me (however, Rad Power Bikes says this could put too much strain if done all the time).

The RadRover 5 comes with a charger that you can charge the eBike battery with. When it is 100% empty, which I have never gotten it down to 0, it takes about 4 hours to charge. When I charge at about 50%, it takes about 2 hours.

You can take the battery off the bike (or keep it on) and plug it into a standard 3-prong outlet with the included charger.

The 275 Pound Payload is also a lot. I weigh only about 170 pounds, and my 4-year old weighs about 40 pounds. The RadRover 5 has no problem with both of us at all.

RadRover 5 Review: Why should you NOT buy a RadRover 5?

If you can’t handle a larger bike, you shouldn’t buy the RadRover 5. As I mentioned before, this bike is surprisingly large. And that’s ok.

However, my wife couldn’t even start to ride this bike. At 5’2″, she’s smaller than what Rad Power Bike Recommends for this bike. Their website says you should be 5’4″ – 6’2″ to ride this bad boy. The second photo shows what the inseam (the length of your pants) should be for different Rad Power Bikes. The Rad Rover 5 is the most height restrictive, while the RadRunner 1 and RadRunner+ are close seconds.

rider height radrover
radrover who should not buy

There will be times when you need to move this bike (parking, onto a hitch, etc.), and it is a beast. Just know that before you get it.

If you are commuting on paved roads to work every day, you could easily get a Rad Power Bike Mission eBike, which is about half the weight and a lot smaller. It all depends upon what you are using your eBike for.

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The Rad Power Bike Mission eBike

At only $1,099, it’s a great “starter” eBike, especially for the average commuter. Just make sure to get fenders so your pants don’t get wet!

Also, if you are looking for a bike that can do even more transportation of people and things, I’d look at another one of Rad Power Bikes offerings. The Rad Power Bike Wagon is great for transporting kids. The Rad Power Bike Runner Plus is a great option for transporting adults and more cargo.

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The Rad Wagon – at $1,900 this is a serious cargo-hauling bike.

I think a perfect bike for someone like my wife would be the RadRunner Plus – while it still weighs 74 pounds, the ability to step through the bike would make it a lot easier to move around when it’s not being used.

Once again, it all comes down to HOW you are going to be using the bike.

Don’t miss our full RadWagon 4 Review.

Great alternatives to the RadRover 5

You should really think about WHAT you are going to use your eBike for. If you have a wide variety of terrain you will be riding on – look for an eBike with larger tires and a suspension. The Rad Power Bike Rad Runner Plus is another great Rad Power Bike with larger tires and a front suspension. However, it doesn’t look as awesome as the RadRover eBike (just my opinion).

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The Rad Power Bikes RadRunner Plus Electric Bike.

I’d also make sure that you get the bike from a reputable manufacturer, like Rad Power Bikes. Since eBikes are super hot right now, there are a ton of new manufacturers on the market. I don’t know how I came across Rad Power Bikes, but they’ve raised $150m, and now I see them everywhere on the trails in Fort Collins, CO.

I had no idea about this before buying an eBike, but not all eBike have Pedal Assist AND a throttle-only mode. I was shocked at this. While I use pedal assist about 98% of the time, there are times I need to go – and go fast. I use the throttle during those times.

Side note: I had to carry something the other day, and whenever I pedaled, I hit my arm and took me off-course. The pedal assist came in to save the day and let me just use the throttle. That was awesome!

Why we recommend Rad Power Bikes

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Check out all of the Rad Power Bikes

I think that eBikes, in general, are going to become more and more common. With that comes the options for brands to come… and go. I think it’s important to buy from a brand that will be around for a while – who wants to try and retrofit a $500 battery to a different bike? I sure don’t.

Rad Power Bikes has knowledgeable, real people you can call to get live American support. I’ve never called them, but I have heard countless others on the Facebook Group and Subreddit that have called Rad Power Bikes. I’ve emailed about questions (including about when they will receive new stock), and they are always super helpful.

On top of that, you’ll see Rad Power Bikes all around. Every time I go on one of Fort Collins’ trails, I see at least 1, if not 2, or 3 Rad Power Bikes on the trails. And you always get the smile and nod, which is fun, too.

Even more important, from a reputation perspective, is you almost always see multiple Rad power Bikes together – if one person in the family loved it, the others had to get one, too!

Don’t miss our full Rad Power Bikes Review.

Other Tips before buying the RadRover 5 from Rad Power Bikes

There are a ton of accessories for the RadRover 5 that I wrote about the Best Rad Power Bike Accessories. But a couple of other small things that I wish I knew before getting the RadRover 5.

Also, if you want and sort of flexibility in hauling anything, you need the rear rack. I also think the bike looks a little naked without the rear rack. I’d go ahead and get the Rad Power Bike Rack because it will fit 100% right, and it’s not terribly expensive.

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The must-have accessory for the RadRover 5: a rear rack.

Can I put together a Rad Power Bike by yourself?

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Tip: Get someone to help you take it out of the box.

Yes! Plan on it taking about an hour and watch the video that Rad Power Bikes put together. They do an incredible job in the video explaining exactly how to put it together. I simply opened up my iPad, viewed each step in the process, paused the video, and then did the step I just viewed.

The awesome install video Rad Power Bike has to show you how to put together your RadRover 5!

The bike essentially comes in two pieces: the main part of the bike and the front wheel. You don’t need to worry about connecting the motor and a whole bunch of electronics, it’s way easier than I thought!

Do invest in a better pair of tools, especially a better allen wrench, like this one before getting the Rad Power Bike. The tools work, but the allen wrench provided stripped one of the screws.

better allen wrench
This will help save you from stripped screws when installing!

However, I would get a mechanic to tune up the bike after you have ridden the bike for about 20 miles.

Pro Tip #1: Get a tune-up after 20 miles

This was a game-changer for me. I don’t know if it’s because I took the fall in the ice and messed up the derailer or what, but I wanted to have a mechanic look at the bike before I took it on any longer journeys.

He tuned the bike up – about $50 (and he came to me!) – and the bike ran much smoother afterward. I highly recommend a tune-up after about 20 miles. They can also help you test the brakes too. Mechanical disc brakes on an eBike will probably always have some squeak to them, the mechanic said.

Pro Tip #2: Make sure to tighten up the pedals

The only thing that I didn’t do a great job at was putting on the pedals, according to the mechanic. He said that my pedals were way too loose. So, tighten up those pedals!

The mechanic told me that I could have stripped the pedals out – but I thought, “well, worst-case scenario, I could just use the throttle to get home…”

Get a high-quality lock

Obviously, you don’t want to leave an almost $2,000 bike (if its a regular or electric bike) lying around. Invest in a high-quality lock.

RadRover 5 Review: the final verdict

I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I got the Rad Power Bikes RadRover 5 – but I couldn’t be happier. It is an extremely fun bike that can handle anything you give it. It’s a little large, even for a fat bike, but it’s extremely capable.

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RadRover 5

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RadRover 5 Review: The Rundown


You can pay a lot more for a bike… and a lot less. This is a good mid-level bike that is packed with features. The only upgrade I strongly recommend is the rear rack.

Versatility: 9.5/10

This bike can handle almost anything you can throw at it – except for a super tight parking space.

Size: 6.5/10

While this bike has a do-anything approach, that biggest sacrifice is size – I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: this is a huge bike.

The Look: 9/10

I love the way this bike looks.

Range: 9.5/10

I’ve had no problems at all with range on this bike – but I’m also not using it to go 60+ miles in a single trip, either.

Final Verdict

If you want an incredible eBike that you might take mountain biking some day, check out the RadRover 5. Even if you never take it offroading, it’s a super-fun, mid-range eBike that will bring a giant smile to you face.

Is the Rad Power Bike Rad Rover 5 right for you? Like so many things in life: it depends. If you can handle a larger bike (and I don’t mean that in a derogatory way) and want a bike that can handle almost any terrain you throw at it, the RadRover 5 is the perfect bike for you. It’s also a great eBike if you don’t have to physically move it (parking, onto hitches, up any stairs, lifting it, etc) a lot.

The RadRover is a bike that can take you anywhere. It’s not the fastest, lightest, or most expensive eBike on this list – but it might just be our favorite for its versatility, toughness, and just good looks overall.

I promise you this: if you get any Rad Power Bike, it will tough to be in a bad mood riding it because these electric bikes are just so much fun.

How fast does the RadRover 5 go?

The Rad Rover 5 goes up to 20 MPH assisted. However, physics won’t stop you from going any faster. The motor, however, stops working at 20 MPH, so you’ll have to pedal yourself or find a steep hill if you want to go faster. The RadRover 5 DOES NOT brake if you go over 20 MPH, but the motor will stop assisting you.

Are Rad Power Bikes any good?

Yes! They’ve got incredible USA-based customer support that will answer any questions. They are one of the most popular electric bikes on the market for a reason. They are in the mid-to-lower range of price and offer a great blend of functionality and price. Rad Power Bikes have a great selection of accessories to make your eBike function EXACTLY the way you want it to.

How much does a RadRover 5 weigh?

69.6 lbs is the fully assembled weight of the RadRover 5 without any accessories. We’d recommend at least the Rear Rack for versatility, which adds a couple of pounds.

Do Rad Power Bikes have a throttle?

Yes! All Rad Power Bikes are considered Class 2 eBikes – which include throttle AND pedal assist up to 20 MPH. Read more about the different classes of eBikes.

Do Rad Power Bikes ever go on sale?

Not often! Rad Power Bikes will occasionally have special deals if you buy 2 bikes, for example, but use this link to see if Rad Power Bikes are on Sale now.

Which Rad power bike is best?

It depends on what you are looking for! The most Versatile is probably the RadRunner Plus – because it has multiple gears, a built-in passenger seat, decently large tires, and a front suspension fork.

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